• Origo.ag Services, Industry and Service Partners
    Our Service Partners are now available across Australia, and we continue to build our service and sales network to be near you. Please get in touch with us if you are a regional Agronomist, local Electrician, Solar Panel, or Pump Specialist. Our Platform and Products are for your Customers.

  • Origo.ag Weather, Climate & Soil Stations
    Designed to observe and monitor the microclimate and environmental conditions vital for your farming operation. Our system lets you store all your data on your Farm Server, providing a complete history of data from your paddocks and operations.

  • Origo.ag Monitoring, Tank Top and Control Stations
    A range of stations is designed to monitor and control your farm's equipment. You can monitor tank levels, flow, switching any system such as control pumps, fans and valves.

  • Origo.ag XDASH - Dashboard
    Provides an easy-to-use operational dashboard on any device. It is user-friendly and designed to be easily adapted to your specific requirements. Everything is in one place.

  • Origo.ag Farm Big Data Store
    The Origo.ag database stores your raw data in the Origo cloud system, meaning every data point in time is stored to be presented on your Dashboard or used in the analysis. Every customer owns the data through our Service Level Agreement.

  • Data and Analysis at your Fingertips
    The Origo.ag data is not only available through the Origo.ag XDASH, but also our API. This makes it available in various systems, such as MS Office tools and Power BI.